The Proprietary Pardo Development Process

The Pardo Development Process (PDP) is really a very clear, step-by-step guide for the use of a highly effective process for the creation and validation of robust trading strategies. The PDP is based upon the time-proven strategy development process which Bob Pardo has used for years to create XT99 Diversified and Pardo Renaissance.

Some would call it a treasure map.

The detailed Pardo Development Process details a complete step-by-step research process designed by and based upon the more complex process used by Bob Pardo. It guides you through the use of the included research workspaces. These workspaces are completely filled out with suggested parameters and optimization scan ranges. To follow the suggested the research path all that need be done is select the scan ranges and make the necessary minor changes to the provided path and file name.

The Ranger Development Map describes much of the research path that we use in-house for the development of strategies. The Pardo Development Process by itself is an excellent value. 

The included daily strategies were created with a variant of the PDP. The strategies in Ranger Alpha were also created with a more advanced, variation of the PDP.

Below are three slides from the Pardo Development Process which may serve to give you some idea of the value of the contents of the full forty page document.

This first slide presents the partial results of our NASDAQ futures development.

This next slide is the start of the visual layout of the Ranger Development Guide.

This is the first page of six which presents the research process and its various branches.