A Conversation with Bob Pardo - January 12, 2024

This is an excellent conversation.

It presents definitive answers to the following questions - 

1 - How long have you been operating trading systems?

2. Could you show us your trading setup?

3. What approach do you consider the most professional when approaching financial markets today, discretionary or algorithmic?

4. Do you believe rule-based systems are better, or those based on neural networks and machine learning?

5. Which markets do you think are the most efficient for algorithmic trading?

6. What do you think about understanding the premise before developing a trading system?

7. What are your thoughts on intermarket analysis?

8. What methodologies do you use when developing trading systems?

9. What is your opinion on using builders?

10. Could you briefly describe how you build a trading portfolio? What do you primarily focus on, and what do you consider most important?

11. Do you believe trading systems have a limited lifespan?+

12. When would you reoptimize a strategy or turn it off?

13. What are the most important criteria in historical testing?

14. Could you give us an overview of the software you use for trading, strategy validation, and share some of your portfolios?

This link will take you to the interview on YouTube.