
We have found that many traders - at all stages of development from beginner to extremely advanced - can get "stuck" with a particular problem.  We have all been there.

It is at times like this that being able to "ask an expert" and get a definitive answer to their questions can get them quickly "unstuck" with the problem solved or a clear path to its solution becomes available.

Bob is available through prepaid, scheduled communications to assist you in this way.

Of course, it can be difficult to know how complicated the answer will be. Complexity determines how long a call is needed.

Calls are billed at $1,000 an hour and are available in 30 minute increments. They can be made via phone or Skype. Payment can be made via Payoneer for a business, credit card or by wire transfer.

The windows of availability are from 1:00 to 4:00 PM CST. Time windows for clients outside the US are can be set to a mutually agreeable time.

If you think that Bob can be of help to  you, reach out via email to schedule. If you are unclear how much time you think it may take, include your question in the email and your time estimate. 

We will reply within 24 hours with either a confirmation of your estimate or ours if different.